Poultry house design for layers

Poultry housing for layers

SKA has been designing, building and selling Made in Italy
cage-free layer houses since 1954.
The models of layer sheds in our sales offer are:

  • prefabricated;
  • tunnel-type;
  • mobile.

The sheds for laying hens are built ad hoc, according to the farm requirements.
Every stage of the shed design process takes place in Italy, from technical drawings to structural calculations, thanks to our expert Technical Department. The work quality that distinguishes us has made our products known all around the world. Over the years we have built up a network of local suppliers in various countries to guarantee the customer direct contact with our company. We focus on the relationship with the customer: we listen to their needs and provide them with recommendations thanks to our experience.

Poultry layers houses installations

Frequently Asked Questions

A shed for organic laying hens is a space for breeding that fulfils specific requirements for animal welfare. A hen is considered organic when it is born in this type of farm, or following the completion of a conversion period spent in a certified shed. An organic farm respects the requirements of the animals, the characteristics of the breed and their production cycles for eggs.
Furthermore, the possibility for the hens to move freely, in contact with the ground and to be able to go out into the open air in certain moments is also fundamental.

The characteristics of a shed for laying hens must comply with the legal requirements, which differ from country to country. The European Union, for example, indicates specific parameters for rearing free-range laying hens in a shed, which follow the organic philosophy and allow the animal to have freedom of movement, to guarantee the final consumer a quality product. Number of animals per square metre, cooling and ventilation systems, types of natural fodder: these are some of the standardised measures that distinguish a shed for layers, such as an organic farm.

Choosing a SKA shed for organic laying hens means relying on a company with over 60 years of experience in the sector, which has animal health as a priority. SKA products are known all around the world, we provide the customer with a consolidated network of dealers in several countries, which allow our customers to have a local expert as a reference, with whom to build a direct relationship. Our consultants and the Technical Department follow every stage of the sales and after-sales process, to work alongside the customer and provide support, if needed.

The cost of one or more sheds for free-range laying hens depends on the type of project: based on the requirements of the customer, the number of animals and the atmospheric conditions in which the birds will live. SKA offers multiple solutions, suitable for different types of budgets and expectations: thanks to our experience in the farming sector and in particular, in the field of organic poultry farming, we can advise our customers on the most suitable type of shed.

The maximum number of laying hens that a SKA shed can hold depends on the current legislation on free-range poultry farms, referred to the intended country. The European Union has its own, as do non-European countries. In addition to the legal parameters, there are other elements that are taken into consideration in the study of a project, for example the choice of ventilation with respect to the local climate could affect the maximum number of animals/m2. SKA always works in compliance with local laws. Our experts are at the customer’s disposal to identify the most suitable solution based on: the requirements of the farm manager, those of the animals, climate and reference standards.

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