
Automatic pan feeder, used for broiler chickens raised with alternative systems. Carefully designed to adapt to the various sizes of chickens, it has proved to be particularly effective with small chickens, especially with those chicks that are physically weaker. Its shape makes it very easy for these animals as well to access feed.
This allows them to gain their weight back and to quickly catch up with the others in the group. An important role is played by the feeder construction material: UV-resistant polypropylene, which has the advantage of excellent mechanical wear resistance.

Technical features

The bell of the EOS feeder has been designed to considerably reduce the open surface of the pan, thus preventing chicks from getting inside, keeping the feed clean and avoiding the risk of getting them stuck.
In the adult phase, the bell reaches its maximum opening and all the small windows from which the feed comes out gradually close during the brooding phase. The amount of feed inside the pan decreases, thus benefiting the constant change of feed. Moreover, the bell is no longer an obstacle for the adult chicken, which can comfortably reach the feed without wasting it.

EOS follows the entire growth phase of the chicken and has been designed with a low pan of only 55 mm in height to facilitate the chicks’ access to the feed. The fins on the bell divide it into sectors and encourage the chicks to go around the pan in an orderly fashion, without hindering each other.
The final feed level is adjusted before the cycle starts, but it is also possible to change it during the current cycle by simply turning the pan.

The feed is distributed through a spiral that rotates inside 3 m long galvanised perforated tubes with a thickness of 1 mm. The tubes feature a hole positioned at 100 cm or 75 cm to guarantee the number of feeders necessary for the growth of the chickens, and are designed with internal welding, which keeps the tube cylindrical. This detail does not damage the spiral during its rotation and does not create any external obstacle. An opening at one end of each tube makes it easier to install the next.

The transition from chicks to adults is done gradually through the centralized winching system that is operated by lifting the entire line of feeders.

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